Sabtu, 05 November 2011


November 3rd!
Happy birthday for me and for my blog :)
Yeah this blog was born back in November 2009, so its my blog's third anniversary!
Actually i want to make such a special photoshoot with my classmates, for celebrating my blog's annivarsary, semoga cepet selesei ya,soalnya diundur mulu nih - -"

Anyway, talking bout birthday, well actually, i'm not thinking that birthday its an important thing for me where i have to celebrate it with a big party and stuff cause i think that we are getting older everyday hahaha. And my mum keep telling me to celebrate it with a big party just because its my 17 birthday, hellooooo, its only 17, what's special with that number? What i really like to do in my birthday its just, looking back once when i was younger, what i've been done for that past years and compare it with this day, do i getting better or do i getting stronger? Planning more life's map for my future, solve all the problems and let them go. So, i dont really need kind of party and lot of gifts on my birthday, i just need a better person here, better person to face the future, cause, yeah i'm getting older.
Living in seventeen years old with a bunch of friends are the best gift for me, that's why they should being treated by me :p Yeahh i was treating them steak hahahaha, and they were like "Katanya mau neraktir topi merah? kok cuma steak sihh!"
Hahahaha topi merah here means pizza hut,you know they got a red hat logo :p, sorry guys maybe next time :p. You know what? They planned buat ngerjain saya waktu saya ulang tahun kemaren dan climax nya one of my firends, Bella , she was pretending seakan akan dia lagi kesurupan dan finally dia kesurupan beneran -______-". But she could handle it, and the jokes were succesfully freaking me out - -". Firstly, i was tinking that it was a joke, but Bella didnt seems like herself (ya dia emang lagi kesurupan beneran juga), so it was really sucks - -". But thanks guys, to make my 17 birthday memorable :').
By the way my sister that working in Jakarta sent me some gifts, you can see one of them in my next post!

And here are some of greetings that came to my mention's box, enggak semua sih, cuma beberapa aja,banyak banget kalo semua! Anyway, thanks guys for the greetings and that words for me!

Fara and Geiya, dua orang pertama yang ngucapin birthday ke saya , hahaha, thanks guys :)

Dan ucapan terimakasih for these people that made up my birthday :).

Okay, Gill.

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