Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Yin et Yang

Bella (2011) and Fara (2010)

    See that pict above? Hahahaha, they were on their very first photoshoot on my blog (checkthem out Bella and Fara), and coincidentally they were wearing a sama top! I had this passion on photography since i was on the junior hi-school, i met Fara when we were on 9th grade, she just bought a new DSLR camera at that time, when i knew that she bought that cool stuff, i was told her like "Hey,let's have a photoshoot!". Then, i lent her my sister's white-classic top , without any specific concept, even she just did her daily make up for the photoshoot,we did that! But after that, i keep asking her to do a new photshoot with me, and she found her passion on modeling from this blog! So do i, i try to make a new theme, what i'll do for the next photoshoot.etc. Yes we are improving our passion here :) And.. Bella? Well, she was not like this stuff at first! When i asked her to do a make-over photoshoot she answered like "HELL-NO!! You'll kill me, i can't do that!" but the result is sooo cool! Most of our friends weren't believe that she could done that photoshoot. And now, she's interested in this modelling stuff :p Yup, she's also found her passion here, in my blog :).

  Now, we are growing up. We are about to leave our highschool's life, the gate of mature world is just right in front us right now.  So, this time, i want to show their mature-atmosphere, i want to show you guys that they are growing up.  They are difrrent from what they were, in a good way of course :)

"Yin et Yang"
Photographed by Gilang Chandra.
Stylist: Gilang Chandra.
Model: Faradina Putri - Bella Antika Putri.
Make up by Gita W.





Okay, Gill.

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