Hey, i just wanna tell you that the last january was sucks, at the early of the year i got many things to do. Waaaaaa i didnt spend any weekends at the january, pathetic.
Well at the early of february there was some annoyed things that i must do, so after that stroms crushed me i rented a lot of dvd, including Black Swan.
The first i read the review i thought that its sucha thriller movie with a lot of murder there which movie i hate to watch, but when i watched it, i was, whattttaaaaafuck its COOL!
Its so amazing, the story its diffrent with another movie i've watched, you could see the dark art here. I fall in love with Natalie Portman (who played Nina) , i cant figure it out that i just watched Natalie was dancing at the movie. The most amazing scene is when she turned into her Dark side and dancing as the black swan , espescially her red eyes. That was great!
That's why i drawed that, this movie is my new muse :), love it.
Oooopss i missed the tiara ;p.
Okay, Gill.