I didnt make a band or something, tapi ini lagi iseng aja main ke studio bareng temen-temen. We were singing songs from paramore or 30seconds to mars, and the other random songs. Tired but yeah it was fun :).

He's Geiya, i could say that he's an expert at playing guitar, he started playing it when he were on 6th grade.

he's one of my friend too and he's playing a guitar, dan kita sering bikin lagu gak jelas yang biasanya si Hakim cuma masukin chord ngasal diiringi Danang pake drum terus saya masukin vokal nya dengan lirik yang baru aja terlintas di kepala saya, dan voila we just made a song hahahaha. Dan biasanya kita main lagu riot kind of punk dengan suara saya yang dipaksakan ala vokalisnya Huggy Bear :p.
And i'm thinking about to start covering a song, dan berharap orang gak muntah setelah mendengarnya :p.
Ahh and this is my moodbuster for this week
Okay, Gill.