Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Wish Me Luck!

Bonjour! Sorry, i'm not posting anythings for a few weeks :(. I'm so busy prepare my self for UAN (yes its just 3 days left), and my biggest fear is MATH , arghhhh i've got my self crazy, MATH made me crazy all of time! Why i cant do better in MATH? Most of my friends said that MATH is easy, err actually is easy if u know the steps for solve the question , but i'm still confuse! So i decided to take a math course everyday, my teacher, Bu Titik, always give me spirit, she know that i can do better in UAN (aminnnn) but i'm still afraid and confuse, i'm afraid i cant get a good mark (in MATH especially) and i'm confuse if i get a bad mark and i cant go to my favorite high school (naudzubilahmindzalik!) NOOOOO! But i belive i can do this, every people said if we got a hard work, we can get a happy ending, amin. So wish me luck :D.

Okay, Gill.

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